Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pontivex Me Vexat

Graced by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, loads of dress ups, a pope-mobile with direct satellite link to God Himself, a flying nun and a Hunky Jesus competition, the No To Pope rally was liberating and fun. It was also deeply satisfying to get out there and voice dissent about the current nonsensical dominant paradigm. Those crazy catholics were pretty high on Jesus after a solid week of preaching.
Even though we were cordoned off behind a line of cops and a barracade, some friendlier police allowed us to frisbee condoms over to the pilgrims who said Yes! they'd love some. (They were after all walking to a massive sleep out. Apparently after the WYD 2000 in Rome the venue was littered with used condoms).
If the pope's apology is genuine it will be followed by reforms that protect kids from unsafe clergy as well as address the systematic cover ups by church hierarchy.
more photos here
info: wydsyd

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